Marble Cake Recipe

Marble Cake Recipe

Cakes are very delicious and yummy all age groups likes it ,we can make it or purchase it from  any famous and local bakeries some people like to make delicious cake for their love ones my father is very special to me so I mostly make marble cake blocks for him. He likes to eat because its so Soft and yummy.
I am going to share my recipe of marble cake blocks with you.
3 eggs
1/3 cup  sugar powder
1 cup flour
1 tea spoon baking powder
1/2 tea spoon vanilla
Few Drops  Essence
1/3 cup oil
Nuts which you have
Coco powder 3 table spoon

Recipe of Marble Cake

Take one bowl and put 3 eggs white and sugar blend it till egg white looks creamy and fluffy then add egg yolk and blend it after that put flour vanilla essence baking powder mix it and blend it add oil and again blend it. Take on small bowl put 3 to 4 spoon batter which I have prepared and add 2 table spoon of coco powder mix them then again take baking bowl put one table spoon  of better on it and then one table spoon of  coco powder better  on it repeat these procedure again till all better finished after that take one stick for making marble design then put it on preheated oven 30 To 35 minutes of medium flame  after 35 minutes check it with tooth picks that cake is ready or not if it is ready then take out from mold and cut it in block shape like a picture.


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