Boiled Potatoes and Carrots Recipe

Boiled Potatoes and Carrots Recipe

Introduction of Boiled Potatoes and Carrots Recipe

To make a Potato & Carrot combination, boil potato and mash by hand, then add grated carrot & add spices as per your choice. Press them with hands and make a patty.  This is a great variety of Asian food or other specialties.


Boiled Potatoes   =    4 big

Grated Carrot    =   2 small

Salt    =   According to your choice

Black Pepper Powder   =   1 tsp

Red Crushed Chili   =   1 tsp

Green Coriandar    =   2 tbsp ( cut in small )

Mint Leaves   =  2 tbsp

Cumin Seeds   =   1tsp

Eggs    =   2 beaten

Oil   =  for shallow frying

Preparation of Boiled Potatoes and Carrots Recipe

In a bowl, mix potatoes, carrots, and spices, then mash it with your hands. Taste it when it is the same as your good choice. Make patties and fold them in beaten eggs. In a frying pan, pour oil. In hot oil, shallow fry it. As soon as both sides turn golden, take them out of the oil and place them on a plate. Served with tomato sauce or as you like.




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