Tips Of This Eggs Recipe Scrambled Egg With Tomato
Pour better beaten eggs into a frying pan to make scrambled eggs. Wait a bit before stirring with a spoon if you observe a thick layer of yellowish betaen eggs in the frying pan while it is cooking. It helpful to making large bits of scrambled eggs in pan.
Egg = 2
Salt = 1/2 tsp or according to your taste
Red Chili Powder = 1 tsp
Whole Green Chili = 2
Black Pepper Powder = 1/2 tsp ( optional )
Tomato = 1 ( small cubes )
Oil = 4 tbsp
Preparation Scrambled Egg With Tomato
In a bowl, beat the eggs before adding salt, black pepper, red chilli flakes, and tomato cubes. Once you’ve thoroughly combined all the spices with the beaten eggs using a fork, take a pan and pour oil into it. On a burner with a medium flame, allow oil to warm. Then pour all of the beaten eggs and wait until everything has thickened into a yellowish layer. Once cooked, flip with a spoon up and down. Be avoid to over cook. Put scrambled eggs in a platter. Enjoy scrambled eggs with parathas.